Friday, March 21, 2008

An alternative solution for the bug of IF0036 of IBM's DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino

Hi again and lets get technical.

Description of the problem we have:

After applying IF0036 of CSLD we started to experience the creation of Phantom Sections on mail docs that had embedded sections in it.

If a mail doc has more than one phantom section created for each embedded section this mail doc will crash the Lotus Notes Client 7.0.x and 8.0. The only client that can handle those mail docs is 8.0.1. Another way to stop the crashes is to use the external view CommonStore retrieval function and bring the archive content back, after that you will be able to print, open or preview the info in any Lotus Notes Client. Of course until you rearchive this message and then the problem will restart. Please note that this only removes 1 of the phantom sections which helps to stop the crashing, but it really doesn't fix the corruption.

In other words and in our experience all mails with embedded sections are getting corrupted by this fixpack, but not all corrupted mails are crashing the client, only those with multiple phantom sections.

A home made permanent solution for the problem:

To solve this problem I worked with the internal Lotus Notes development team to have an agent that will create the CSLD retrieve job request for all the mail docs with 3 or more embedded sections in the body of the message of a mail database. Imagine going through thousands and thousands of mail manually trying to find which ones you should retrieve! So thank you James. Ofcourse we made sure to have plenty of space in our Domino Servers for the retrieved content.

I reverted IF0036 to our previous level which was IF0016 and created an emergency crawler that will create the new CSLD archiving jobs for these mail docs. (Of course I did a lot of testing before massively doing this).

The really interesting findings about my testing were that removing the buggy fix pack not only help stopping the creation of new phantom sections while archiving (ofcourse!!), but removed any phantom sections we still had inside the mail docs!!! Hey, how about that our CommonStore fixed itself!!! In theory our mail docs were not corrupted any more.

The bad news is that to fix this buggy mails docs will take you a very long time since retrieving and archiving can take many hours for each mail file (we are still doing it). Sorry, it is a simple solution to a complex problem, that is all we can do for now. I can only share my experience with you, if it will work for you or not I honestly can't tell. Test my theory and see if it works before doing it at home.

Sergio Bascon

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